After a fourth season at the Community Garden, I am starting to feel like a seasoned gardener. That does not mean I have become an expert, but I have...

Winter Nostalgia
I love winter maybe more than the average person. If there is no snow, something is missing to make my winter experience complete. This year Hudson...

Awesome Stewart
The discovery of Stewart State Forest Park was a late bloomer for me. Years ago, I briefly stepped foot in it, but it was October and hunting season...

A Different Kind of Summer
What a strange, surreal summer it has been. I don’t know how else to put it. It is a new world, and how we navigate its way can testify to that. It...

Sauntering in Winding Hills – Hudson Valley
FOREWORD I was inspired to write this short piece musings on friendships and nature during solitary walks during the pandemic outbreak, and also by...

Summer Photo journey in Norway – Part 2
With winter coming to a close, I wanted to herald the arrival of spring with the second part of my photo journey in Norway. During these difficult...

Winter’s Delight
A couple of weeks ago, the first snow of the season greeted the mid-Hudson Valley, and everything slowed down. One day of school closure turned into...

Adirondack Mountains Annual Camping Trip
We did things a bit differently on this year’s canoe and camping trip in the Adirondacks. We brought our feline named Forest. He is mostly white with...

Photographing the Harvest – A Community Gardens Simple Pleasures
Early spring, we decided to join our local community garden. We had wanted to garden for many years, but our property is all forest with vegetable...

Summer Photo Journey in Norway – Part 1
Summer is raspberries growing wild ready for the picking. Summer is late evening bike rides when the sun is still awake, and it is past a...